Charitable tax receipt giving deadline extended: donation received by February 28, 2025 will be eligible for a 2024 tax receipt

TRU Giving

You can help TRU make post-secondary education accessible to everyone

Give Now

Give Today

We offer many ways to give. Choose the way that's right for you.

Donate Online

Donate securely to your area of interest through our online portal.

Donate by Phone

Call 250-828-5264 to securely donate by phone.

Donate by Direct Deposit

To set up direct deposit (one-time or monthly), call us at 250-828-5264.

Donate by Mail

Cheques can be made payable to the TRU Foundation and mailed to:
TRU Foundation
805 TRU Way, Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8

Donate in Person

Visit the TRU Advancement Office on the first floor of the Clock Tower at TRU’s Kamloops campus. Please call first at 250-828-5264.

Donate Through Your Financial Advisor

Work with your financial advisor to donate publicly traded stocks or securities.

Other Ways to Give

There are many ways to support TRU, including annual gifts, endowments, gifts-in-kind and planned giving.

Leave a Legacy

You don’t need to be wealthy to make a difference. Support education and receive a charitable tax receipt. Learn More

Annual Awards

Establish a student award, scholarship or bursary in your or your organization’s name. Learn More

Endowment Funds

Your endowed fund is a gift that keeps giving for years to come. Learn More

Donate Property or Posessions

We accept works of art, vehicles, property and more. Learn More

In Honour and In Memory Giving

Celebrate a milestone of a friend, co-worker or family member, or donate in memory of a loved one. Learn More

Options for TRU Employees

Join the faculty and staff at TRU who give back! Learn More

Leave a Legacy

You don’t need to be wealthy to leave a legacy. Including charitable giving in your estate planning is easier than you think. When you plan ahead, you’ll ensure your dollars go where you want them to. We can help.

What are my options?

Bequest: Once the needs of you and your loved ones are met, leave a lasting legacy to the university with a donation in your will.

Life insurance: Make a gift the affordable way by naming TRU as the owner and beneficiary of a new or existing policy.

Are you under 35? For the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can leave a substantial legacy to your alma mater.

Securities: Support education with a gift of publicly traded stocks or securities, receive a charitable tax receipt and pay no capital gains tax (by transfer of stock only).

Registered Retirement Funds: Donate the funds in your RRSP/RRIF to Thompson Rivers University (either through your will or by making the university the beneficiary).

What we can offer

Contact us to learn more about leaving a legacy and connect with professional partners to start planning for the future. As members of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, we partner with professionals from all walks of life: lawyers, accountants and financial planners.

To leave a legacy please contact

Lisa Denis
Director of Development

[email protected]

“I enjoyed the smaller classes… with terrific professors, which led to some great discussions. Of course, the climate was incredible, too… Cariboo College was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

TRU charter alum Mark Leriger De La Plante on why he created a legacy gift four decades after attending Cariboo College (now TRU)

“I am very grateful about my bursary… Being a mechanic is much more than a career for me, it is a passion. My latest project has been working on a 1952 caterpillar D2 bulldozer and I have enjoyed every moment of working on it. Thanks to school I understand how things work much more in depth and thanks to this bursary I now can afford my second year of school. Thank you!”

Tristyn Sample, Heavy Duty Mechanics Foundations student
Orvil Myers Heavy Equipment Award recipient

Annual Awards

Are you interested in creating an award for students in your name or in the name of an organization?

With a minimum commitment of $1,000 per year for five years, your gift can establish a bursary, scholarship or award for a student enrolled in a program of your choice. This is a popular area of giving for community groups, businesses and professional associations or in honour or memory of a loved one.

Whether your intent is to assist a student struggling financially, reward a student for academic achievement or acknowledge a student’s ability to balance academic performance with other accomplishments and interests, we can help you make an investment that has an impact.

You can fund your award through an annual gift, an endowment or a combination of the two. Review our Establishing Awards Quick Guide and contact us to learn more.

To set up an annual award please contact

Diana Major
Executive Director, Advancement & TRU Foundation

[email protected]

“We want current students to know they are part of a big TRU family. Many of us benefited from awards when we were students, so we understand how impactful this can be. That feeling of support goes a long way and we want to provide that reassurance for today’s students.”

Jordan Hirschmiller, past co-chair of the TRU Alumni & Friends Association

“Thank you. Education costs more than money, it costs my time and attention, which then cannot be spent making money to support myself. Without the generosity of donors like yourself, I wouldn't be graduating this year. In fact, I may never have made it through university. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for investing in the next generation, and for helping me get to where I am today.”

Emily Hogeveen, Bachelor of Business Administration
Recipient of 2022 Fiscal Realities Economists Award

Endowment Funds

When you create an endowment fund, your funds are invested by the TRU Foundation and the interest earned produces revenue to fund the award annually and in perpetuity.

Income from these funds can be designated for a specific use or left to the discretion of the Foundation.

You can create a named endowment with a minimum contribution of $25,000. Funds can be donated immediately, or a multi-year pledge can be established over a maximum of five years. Additional contributions can be made anytime thereafter. Review our Establishing Awards Quick Guide and contact us to learn more.

To set up an endowment fund please contact

Diana Major
Executive Director, Advancement & TRU Foundation

[email protected]

“I want to send a huge Kukwstsétselp (I thank you all) to Cplul’kw’ten (The Gathering Place) for nominating me for the TD Indigenous Mentor Award Program. Being nominated for this award means so much to me, as this recognizes the rapport, and positive relations I established while being present at Cplul’kw’ten. Each visit to Cplul’kw’ten enables me to engage, learn, and work alongside fellow Indigenous students and Knowledge Keepers. And that to me is the most rewarding part of it all.”

Devin Doss, Bachelor of Business Administration
Recipient of 2022 TD Indigenous Mentor Award


Gifts-in-kind cover a wide range of products and equipment and are accepted if they can contribute to student learning.

On behalf of TRU, the Foundation has accepted gifts such as computers, vehicles and heavy equipment.

Acceptance of the gift is at the discretion of the department who receives it. A tax receipt will be issued based on a fair market value appraisal. These types of gifts often provide donors with immediate or estate planning tax benefits. Gift in Kind Donation Form

To set up a gift-in-kind please contact

Andrea Loehr
Advancement Office Assistant

[email protected]

“When these remarkable students came to us and said we have this idea for a portfolio management course, we thought, what a great way for all of us to win.”

Paul Siluch of Raymond James (Canada) Ltd. with business students Adam Burke (left) and Jacob Lawrence (right) on why Raymond James chose to be part of the creation of Raymond James Trading Lab

“The gloves from Kal Tire were a godsend. At a time when you are moving at a fast pace, dealing with oil, coolant or cleaning parts in a varsol tank/sink; they were indeed a lifesaver. These gloves protected from harmful substances and chemicals that mechanics use on a daily basis. They did indeed save our own skin; literally.”

Ali Webber, Heavy Duty Mechanic Foundation Graduate

Donate In Honour or In Memory

A gift to the TRU Foundation is an investment in the future of higher education.

When you dedicate a gift by donating to TRU, you help bring education to students who need it most. The Foundation provides funds for the financial support of TRU students and TRU's programs and projects.

Whether you are memorializing a loved one who has passed on, or celebrating an event in a special teacher or colleague's life, your gift will honour them while helping students achieve their dreams.

Funds Recently Created

Click on one of the following funds to give

To set up an in honour or memory donation please contact

Diana Major
Executive Director, Advancement & TRU Foundation

[email protected]

“I know how much this school meant to her. I know how much this community meant to her and I know how passionate she was about writing. I think the opportunity to make a life-changing award for a local student who has a passion for writing is something that would be a dream of hers.”

Donor Richard Weir on why he chose to create an award in honour of his late mother, Joan Sherman Weir.

“I want to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude for choosing me as the recipient of the generous Sheila Leonard Memorial Award. Your award will help to alleviate some of the financial burdens of becoming a nurse, a lifelong dream of mine.”

Britney Walton, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
2022 Sheila Leonard Memorial Award recipient

Giving Options for TRU Employees

Join the hundreds of TRU faculty and staff who are making a difference in the lives of students.

Payroll Lottery

A 50/50 draw each pay period — half the money goes to the lucky winner and half to students.
Get more information or sign up here.

TRU Employee Payroll Deduction

If you are interested in the TRU Employee Payroll Deduction, please fill out the form located here.

The need for student awards is real. We all hear from students about the challenges they face in paying for their education. Last year the Foundation was able to provide scholarships and bursaries to 700 students.

However, there were another 612 eligible students who applied for aid who did not get any due to a shortage of funds. Our goal is to close this gap.

“I cannot express how much I have loved my time at TRU and am so happy it is the school I chose to pursue my science degree. I am very honoured and touched to have been chosen to be the recipient of this award.”

Gwen Freeze, Bachelor or Science, Biology
2022 TRU Biological Science Prize recipient
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