Inaugural Professorial Lectures

An Inaugural Professorial Lecture (IPL) is given by tenured faculty who have recently been promoted to full professor. IPLs are a recognized way for universities to publicly celebrate this milestone event in the careers of academics.

The Inaugural Professorial Lecture highlights the achievements of tenured faculty recently promoted to full professor, a significant milestone in an academic career. These lectures offer a recognized opportunity to showcase the expertise and research of TRU’s distinguished scholars and reflect the university's dedication to academic excellence and innovation.

Promotion to full professor follows a rigorous process in which the applicant’s research, teaching, and service are assessed by peers for the quality and impact of their contributions at local, national, and international levels. Each year, TRU typically promotes four to eight faculty members to this esteemed position.

The lecture invites professors to share insights into their research journey, the contributions they’ve made to their field, and the questions that still drive their work. Bringing together TRU faculty, students and community members, the Inaugural Professorial Lecture drives collaboration, learning and engagement while demonstrating TRU’s research and teaching capabilities.

For more information about the Inaugural Professorial Lecture, contact [email protected].

Recent lectures

The Importance of B.C. Grasslands: Building Our Understanding – Dr. Wendy Gardner

Among Giants: The Co-Creation of a Province-wide Peer Mentoring Program – Laura Doan

Precision Ranching Technology – John Church

Ag-gag Laws – Katie Sykes

Dangling in the glimmer of hope: Academic action and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission – Troy Handford

Normative Tensions in Constitutional Privacy Rights Adjudication – Chris Hunt