Faculty and Staff

Faculty members

Patrick BrouderAssociate Professor and Department Chair

Helping to make tourism more sustainable for the communities in which it occurs, especially rural and remote communities in Canada.

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David CarterAssociate Teaching Professor
Tara DuncanProfessor
Jarita HeerProgram Advisor/University Instructor
Dr. Courtney MasonCanada Research Chair, Professor

I currently work in the following areas: 1) food security; 2) Indigenous health and education; 3) parks and protected areas; 4) tourism development; 5) physical activity and sport for youth; 6) Western Canadian history

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Gregory SimmondsProgram Advisor/University Instructor

Program advisors / university instructors

Jarita HeerProgram Advisor/University Instructor
Gregory SimmondsProgram Advisor/University Instructor

Professor emeritus/adjunct faculty

Rob HoodProfessor Emeritus

Manager of operations

Gurjit LalliManager of Operations

Divisional assistant